JURASSIC Coaster Bus Outing

Event Details

  • Date:

On Wednesday 8th May, 14 very excited boys and girls mounted the Jurassic Coaster Bus, heading immediately for the top deck gaining the best outlook possible for the journey from Bridport to Weymouth. Luckily all were welcomed on board with their O.A.P. bus passes!!!! One nameless couple (Bill and Isobel) saw the front seat vacated and with alacrity, belying their senior status, took up the front seat to enjoy the views. It was worrying when after nearly half an hour delay it was announced the driver had not turned up for duty!! Fortunately a substitute was quickly found and we set off.

Jurassic Coast Map

The journey was fun although a little hot and some steaming up of windows occurred. Views were excellent on a lovely clear day. Arrival in Weymouth was later than planned, the result of the later start. Weymouth gave us a warm welcome with clear skies and some sunshine but a brisk breeze. The boys and girls disappeared in different directions enjoying the sights of the town and in search of nourishment.

Image of Jubilee Clock Tower on Weymouth sea front
Jubilee Clock Tower – Weymouth
Kings Statue image
King’s Statue – Weymouth

At 2.15 we all gathered back again at the King’s Statue ready to board our return bus. I am pleased to report that the coordinator of the event and his wife i.e. your Social Secretary, were able to get on first and jump into a top deck front seat!!!! The return journey was equally pleasing with grand views of the Jurassic Coast.

Chesil Beach image

I have wanted to do this trip for many years, as have other Probus Members, finally, with the motivation to organise an event for Probus, I have achieved this goal.

Irvin Johns (Social Secretary)




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