Executive Meeting Minutes – 25 January 2023

Crewkerne Probus Club Executive Meeting
25 January 2023 – 10.30 a.m. at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club


Present: President Irvin Johns, David Bryant, Norman Fleetwood, Roger Fowler, David Long, Bill Westcott-Pitt, Tim Udall (OBE).

Apologies: Bob Griffiths, Robbie Heyd-Smith

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the President.

Matters Arising: New Venue – Members agreed our new venue at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club and appeared pleased with the service to date. Situation about the President’s Board ongoing.

Treasurer – David stated that the Current Bank Balance as at the 25 January 2023 was £1,786.74. Recommendation for 2023 Membership Fee – £18; Joining Fee to remain at £10.

Secretary & Website – The Executive Committee were unanimous in electing Gerry Reilly as a new member. Gerry, well known to many members is a retired (still helps out) Priest and Social Worker living in Crewkerne. We also have a serious membership enquiry from Mark Harris who hopes to visit us as a guest at the February Lunch Meeting.

Catering Officer – Norman reported that he was pleased with the service now his booking procedure had been adopted by the STGC. He was in discussion about the food menu and had followed up a plea from a member for a fish menu to be included. Norman made his usual plea to members to inform him directly (by Tuesday) if they were unable to attend as some members were still informing others rather than contacting himself.

Fellowship Officer – No update report.

Functions Officer – Roger informed the meeting that while the food was good, the service at Lordleaze left a bit to be desired this year. It was agreed that the Ladies Lunch planned for the 31 May 2023 would be held at our new venue which could be very suitable, especially if the weather was kind to us on the day.

Social Secretary(a) President Irvin presented his plan for a steam train outing from Buckfastleigh to Totness and back on Thursday or Friday 11th/12th May. Leave station at 10.30 a.m. using the steam Heritage ride to Totness. Returning at 3.30 p.m. either with a diesel or steam train back to Buckfastleigh. Large fee car park at the Buckfastleigh Station. Train tickets are £16 each for seniors. Members to purchase own tickets on the day. (b) Proposed a simple visit to Haselbury Mill on Wednesday 15th March for a cream tea!!!! Gathering for 3.00 p.m. Costs are £8 p.p. for standard cream tea and £12 with cake and extra etc.

Transport Officer – David reported, as usual, that the system was in hand and there when needed.

Speaker Co-Ordinator – Tim Udall gave a list of speakers for the coming months – February, Trevor Lowe – Sri Lanka; March, Tony Barratt – Fun Quiz; April – our AGM, May – Our “Ladies Lunch”.

President’s Comments – President Irvin reminded members that the next Executive Meeting will be prior to the A.G.M. at the members Lunch Meeting.

Any Other Business: There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.50 a.m.

Date and time of next meeting: – Wednesday 26 April 2023 at 10.30 a.m.