Executive Meeting Minutes – 26 July 2023

Crewkerne Probus Club Executive Meeting
26 July 2023 – 10.30 a.m. at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club


Present: David Long (Vice President), David Bryant, Mark Harris, Norman Fleetwood, Roger Fowler, Michael Luff, Bill Westcott-Pitt.

Apologies: Bob Griffiths, Robbie Heyd-Smith, Irvin Johns, Chris Kitson, Tim Udall (OBE).

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the President.

Matters Arising: David Long gave a warm welcome to mark Harris and Michael Luff, our new members to the Executive Committee. It was reported that our President’s Board was in storage in David Long’s garage. It appears that it may be difficult to fix the large existing board within the Golf Club premises and it was suggested that we could consider having a smaller temporary board for use at Probus meetings at the Golf Club.

Officer’s Reports:
Treasurer – David B stated that the Current Bank Balance as at the end of June 2023 was £2,267.72. This compared with £2,474.00 in June 2022. In a discussion about the club’s finances, it was agreed that it would sensible to aim for a bank balance in the region of £2,500 minimum to cover any large event cancellation or emergency.

Secretary & Website – Roger advised that the club’s website was kept up to date including listing lunch speakers, usually at least two months in advance. Continue to remind members to use the website.

Catering Officer – Norman reported all was in order but Katy had left for a change of job.

Fellowship Officer – No update report but noted that Bob Griffiths was still in remission and in good spirits.

Functions Officer – Roger informed the meeting that 41 persons had attended the Ladies Lunch at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club on the 31 May. A nice event in all areas including a sunny day. Unfortunately, Mollie Powell was taken ill after the event with a medical emergency but after hospital treatment had returned home in good spirit. After taking some members views it was apparent that the members preference for a venue for the Christmas Lunch was the Lordleaze Hotel. With this in mind we have made a reservation with the Lordleaze Hotel for Wednesday 13 December 2023 [Note to have bar open].

Social Secretary – (a) President Irvin passed on his suggestions for several garden venues to raise funds for the RNLI. The committee thought the time line was too tight for this summer but recommended another Cream Tea event at Haselbury Mill with a raffle, similar to our successful March outing.

Transport Officer – David L said give him a ring when a member required a lift.

Speaker Co-Ordinator – No report but speakers are in hand for some months ahead.

President’s Comments – President Irvin announced his chosen charity for the year 2023/24 to be The Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Thanks to all Executive Committee members for their services during the past year.

Any Other Business: David Long suggested a collection for President Irvin at the next lunch meeting in respect of his recent cycle ride; agreed. Bill was working on an RNLI visit and thought it best to have an event for the RNLI in the spring of 2024. Bill stated that he thought a trip to the RNLI in Poole would be too far to travel and recommended Weymouth or Lyme Regis as being more suitable venues.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.00 noon.

Date and time of next meeting: – Wednesday 25 October 2023 at 10.30 a.m.