Executive Meeting Minutes – 31 January 2024

Crewkerne Probus Club Executive Meeting
31 January 2024 – 10.30 a.m. at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club

Present:   President Irvin Johns, David Bryant, Norman Fleetwood, Roger Fowler, Bob Griffiths, Mark Harris, Robbie Heyd-Smith, Chris Kitson, David Long, Michael Luff.

Apologies:  Tim Udall (OBE) and especially Bill Westcott-Pitt who has now moved to live in Sherborne and has resigned from the club. We wish Bill and Isabel all the best in their life change and thank Bill for his past support, especially for his involvement with our RNLI project during this Probus year.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the President.

Matters Arising: The President reported that he had collected the updated President’s Board from “The Shed” at a cost of £30 plus donation of £50 (total £80). Well done “The Shed”, very good job.

Officer’s Reports:

Treasurer – David Bryant stated that the Current Bank Balance as at the moment was £2,495.72. This included an amount of IRO £584.50 collected and held for the RNLI donation in due course.

Secretary & Website – An application for membership was put forward by Peter Wingrave for Stephen Hayes who was accepted and would be introduced to members at today’s lunch. Publicity required for RNLI presentation at the February lunch meeting. Help available if members have problems with website.

Catering Officer – After 15 years in the job, Norman Fleetwood advised that he would step down as Catering Officer at the April AGM and brave Michael Luff will be nominated as his replacement.

Fellowship Officer – Robbie keeping his eye on the ball. Bob Griffiths expressed his thanks for the support he received from members at the Funeral and Commemoration Service for Ros on the 18 December 2023.

Functions Officer – Roger informed the meeting that Christmas Lunch at the Lordleaze Hotel, had in the general opinion of members, had not been up to the usual standard of service and it was agreed that we should seek another venue for this year. Date to be Wednesday 11 December 2024. The meeting agreed to hold the Ladies Lunch on Wednesday 29 May 2024 at The Cricket St Thomas Golf Club – Roger to book.

Social Secretary – President Irvin reported on a very successful visit to the RNLI at Lyme Regis on the 15 November 2023 – a terrific time had by those who went on this very good outing. Plans were in hand to hold another Tea Party at Haselbury Mill on Wednesday 13 March with any profits going to the RNLI fund.

Transport Officer – David L said the system was in place and working well with about four cars available.

Speaker Co-Ordinator – In the absence of Tim Udall, confirmed that Mark Harris will be speaker for March.

President’s Comments – President Irvin thanked all Executive Committee members for their support this year but felt “It was Time for a Change,” especially taking account of the number of new members.

Nominations for the AGM:

  • President: David Long
  • Vice president: Mark Harris
  • Secretary: Irvin Johns
  • Treasurer: David Bryant (with understudy)
  • Catering Officer: Michael Luff
  • Fellowship Officer: Robbie Hyde-Smith
  • Functions Officer: Roger Fowler (anyone interested to take over?)
  • Social Secretary: Irvin Johns (with understudy)
  • Transport Officer, David Long

Any Other Business:
Agreed to donate the sum of £600.00 to the RNLI (RGF will make up any balance to reach this figure).

There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.06 pm.

Date and time of next meeting: – Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 10.30 a.m.