Executive Meeting Minutes – 24 April 2024

Crewkerne Probus Club Executive Meeting
24 April 2024 – 10.30 a.m. at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club

Present: President Irvin Johns, David Bryant, Norman Fleetwood, Roger Fowler, Bob Griffiths, Mark Harris, Robbie Heyd-Smith, Chris Kitson, David Long, Michael Luff.

Apologies: Tim Udall (OBE).

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the President.

Matters Arising: President Irvin gave a warm thanks to Norman Fleetwood after his retirement as Catering Officer after 15 years of service in this position. Many thanks to Pat Johns who had prepared the annual accounts with well-deserved thanks to David Bryant who served for 20 years and now wishes to stand down as treasurer. The sum of £800 had been raised and donated to the Lyme Regis RNLI.

Officer’s Reports:

Treasurer – David Bryant stated that the Current Bank Balance as at the moment was £1,857.47 (opening balance for 2024 year). Note Mike Luff will kindly stand for the position of Treasurer at the AGM.

Secretary – Irvin Johns will resume the position of Secretary at the AGM.

Catering Officer – Mike Luff to continue but wished to review the lunch booking system.

Fellowship Officer – Robbie Heyd-Smith thanked for his work over the past year and would continue in this post. Robbie stated that the Welfare Bus could be hired at a cost of £1 per mile, he would drive.

Functions Officer – Roger Fowler to continue and work with David to review the arrangements for the Christmas Lunch. The Ladies Lunch on the 29 June 2024 booked at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club.

Social Secretary – Irvin Johns to continue with events such as the popular tea parties.

Transport Officer – David Long to continue when members need a lift to functions.

Speaker Co-Ordinator – Bob Griffiths to take over this role.

President’s Comments – President Irvin thanked all Executive Committee members for their support in the past year and raised the matter that the lunch costs do not cover gratuities and guests’ costs.

Nominations for the AGM:

  • President: David Long
  • Vice president: Mark Harris
  • Secretary: Irvin Johns
  • Treasurer: Mike Luff
  • Catering Officer: Mike Luff
  • Fellowship Officer: Robbie Hyde-Smith
  • Functions Officer: Roger Fowler
  • Social Secretary: Irvin Johns
  • Transport Officer, David Long
  • Speaker Co-Ordinator, Bob Griffiths
  • Annual Accounts Check, Bob Griffiths
  • Executive Committee members, David Bryant; Chris Kitson: Norman Fleetwood and Jon jarrett.

Any Other Business:
Roger and Mary Fowler thank the club for the flowers presented on their 40th Wedding Anniversary; Tim Spilsbury in credit for £70 (function overpayment); Costs of Membership, Annual Renewal to remain the same, Lunch costs, continue to review; Speaker invitation to Ruby Bryant; Roger Fowler will continue to run the Crewkerne Probus website and also the Newsletter.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.06 pm.

Date and time of next meeting: – Wednesday 31 July 2024 at 10.30 a.m.