Haselbury Cream Tea Outing

Event Details

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This event was a very successful venture. We owe a deep debt of gratitude to Mark and Sally Harris for hosting the cream tea in their garden.

1.00 o-clock saw a group of Members and wives setting up the event with tables, chairs, music, gazebos,  croquet and quiz sheets. Members, wives and friends WILL enjoy themselves!!!

The ladies worked hard setting up the tea for the gathering.

After 2.30 people began arriving until we finalised at 39 people attending.

What a turnout and Social Secretary Irvin was delighted with the support.

Many members arrived with raffle prizes and a draw was undertaken after the tea.

The total raised from entries and raffle after paying out costs was £221. An excellent result for President David Long’s charity objective.

Everyone appeared to have a good time at this event held outside although the weather was not the best for June. BUT it didn’t rain!!!

Thanks to everyone who helped or contributed in anyway.


Irvin Johns (Social sec)

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