Hog Roast

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A garden event, hosted by Peter and Barbara Woodward at Wayford Vineyard, raised £1,500 for Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance. The Pig Roast which was supported by Crewkerne Freemasons, the Rotary Club of Crewkerne and Crewkerne Lions Club was attended by around 150 guests and those unable to attend made donations. Members from the Crewkerne Probus Club were also present including Irvin and Pat Johns, Roger & Mary Fowler, Brian and Christine Daniels, John and Jackie Williams. The afternoon fundraiser on Sunday July 21st, proved to be the best since the biennial event began. Clear skies and sunshine provided the perfect weather for enjoying a glass of Somerset’s equivalent of Champagne at the award-winning vineyard, which won Gold for its sparkling Pinot Noir in last year’s competition organised by the South West Vineyards Association.

Jan McNeill and Peter Woodward

Entertainment for the outdoor fundraiser was provided by well-known and popular local artiste, Jan McNeill. The wide range of food available which included pork rolls, was prepared by Barbara Woodward. Barbara said: “The money raised is passed on to the three local organisations and thereafter to the air ambulance. In previous years this has resulted in additional monies being raised by them, including regional and national top-ups by their organisations, resulting in even greater donations being made of several thousands, which is expected to happen again this year.”


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