RNLI Outing to Lyme Regis

Event Details

  • Date:

We have been invited to visit the Lyme Regis RNLI Centre and the date is 15th November 2023 arriving at the Centre at 10.30 a.m.

We should allow 1 and a ½ hours depending on our numbers. High numbers would mean splitting into groups. The invitation is for any total!!! Our charity for this year was agreed as RNLI and this visit would fit in admirably with our charitable intent.

This would be in individual cars although I do encourage car sharing wherever possible to reduce numbers for parking.

I anticipate that the sea front parking would be available at this time of year and this is very near the RNLI Centre. At worst some could park on the top of the hill above The Cobb having dropped passengers off by the Cobb harbour first.

These are planned by Petrina Muscroft – the Deputy Manager at the Centre and official visits officer. The visit will include the Ops Room, Crew Kit, The Boat and a brief history of the RNLI.

Following our RNLI visit I intend that we visit a local hostelry for lunch but I have yet to decide on a particular one and this information will follow.

The invitation is for all Probus members, wives and friends. There is no specific cost for the trip. Food and drink purchases would be covered by each member.

I will need to know numbers to inform the Centre but that detail can wait until after the next lunch meeting at the end of September. If you know you are joining the trip, please telephone or email me…

Irvin Johns (President and Social Secretary)

Lyme Regis RNLI visit

On Wednesday 15th November, 20 Probus members wives and friends paid a group visit to the RNLI Centre in Lyme Regis. We were warmly received by Petrina, Chris and Nick in the meeting room. We were given a rundown of how the Centre works, the history of the Centre, the funding for the Centre and information on the volunteering of the whole team that makes rescues possible from the Centre.
What we heard blew our minds! The teamwork involved is exceptional. The bravery immeasurable. The training extensive.
52 ‘shouts’ so far this year and on each occasion they do not know what they face.
Many members watch the TV programme ‘Saving loves at sea’. It was explained that every one of these rescues are filmed with a head camera totally live and nothing faked!!!!

After this initial talk we were split into two groups and Nick and Chris then walked us around the building, showing and describing the building, rescue boat, tractor, equipment etc. needed for each rescue. The visit also included time in the ‘Ops room’.

In all it was a very revealing visit and well received by all those who were there.

What struck home was the amount of money needed by the Centre and by the RNLI nationally to run this wonderful voluntary service. The small contribution our charitable collection is making pales into insignificance BUT every little helps!!!
Our contribution will be made to the Lyme Regis RNLI Centre (after all it is our own!!) and our money will be held and used by Lyme Regis.

I have asked Chris to join us at one of our dinner meetings in the spring to present more information to the Club and to receive our cheque donation. Publicity is crucial to their cause and so suitable photographs will be taken for the local press.

Following the visit we went across the road to the Cobb Arms where seating had been reserved for us and were able to indulge in a fish and chip lunch combined with a suitable liquid refreshment.
Service was very good, they looked after us very well.

In all this was a very successful outing for the Crewkerne Probus Club.

Irvin Johns (President and Social Secretary)

1 thought on “RNLI Outing to Lyme Regis”

  1. What a great trip. Learnt a lot about the RNLI and the brave people who give up their time to keep people safe on the water. Many thanks to Irvin for organising the trip

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