Executive Meeting Minutes – 26 April 2023

Crewkerne Probus Club Executive Meeting
26 April 2023 – 10.30 a.m. at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club


Present: President Irvin Johns, David Bryant, Norman Fleetwood, Roger Fowler, David Long, Bill Westcott-Pitt, Tim Udall (OBE).

Apologies: Bob Griffiths, Robbie Heyd-Smith.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the President.

Matters Arising: President Irvin had welcomed new members, Gerry Reilly, Mark Harris, Paul Barker and Michael Luff into the club and was negotiating with the Golf Club about the President’s Board. Various points raised to increase the size of the President’s Board including “Men’s Shed” in Crewkerne.

Officer’s Reports:
Treasurer – David stated that the Current Bank Balance as at the 18 April 2023 was £1,597.59. Recommendation for 2023 Membership Fee – £18; Joining Fee to remain at £10 was accepted. Thanks were recorded to Pat Johns for her audit of the past year’s accounts. (Collect fees at the June Lunch mtg.)

Secretary & Website – At the AGM proposals to update the rules including an addition that there should be a recommended Dress Code for Lunch Time Meetings of Smart Jacket and Tie.

Catering Officer – Norman reported the current system was working well but requested that the Golf Club should be informed of the quarterly Executive Meetings in advance.

Fellowship Officer – No update report but noted that Bob Griffiths was still in remission and in good spirits.

Functions Officer – Roger informed the meeting that bookings were now being taken for the Ladies Lunch to be held here at the Golf Club on Wednesday 31 May 2023. The cost of the three-course meal to members would be £35 per head including gratuities. Raffle to be held with proceeds to RNLI.

Social Secretary – (a) President Irvin confirmed his plan for a steam train outing from Buckfastleigh to Totness and back on Wednesday 10th May. Leave station at 10.30 a.m. using the steam Heritage ride to Totness. Returning at 3.30 p.m. either with a diesel or steam train back to Buckfastleigh. Large car park at the Buckfastleigh Station. Train tickets are £16 each for seniors. Members to purchase own tickets on the day. (b) Irvin reported on the successful visit to Haselbury Mill on Wednesday 15th March for a cream tea! that was much enjoyed by some 30 members and friends. Proceeds of the raffle held to the RNLI.

Transport Officer – David reported that the system was in hand when a member required a lift.

Speaker Co-Ordinator – Tim Udall continues to make sure we have a list of speakers for our meetings

President’s Comments – President Irvin announced his chosen charity for the year 2023/24 to be The Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Thanks to all Executive Committee members for their services during the past year.

Any Other Business: A request from Brian Daniels for the club to discuss a change to the lunch timing at the AGM – bring up at the AGM.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.00 noon.

Date and time of next meeting: – Wednesday 26 July 2023 at 10.30 a.m.