Executive Meeting Minutes – 31 July 2024

Crewkerne Probus Club Executive Meeting
31 July 2024 – 10.30 a.m. at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club


Present: – Pres. David Long, David Bryant, Roger Fowler, Bob Griffiths, Mark Harris, Jon Jarrett, Irvin Johns, Chris Kitson, Michael Luff.
Apology from Robbie Heyd-Smith.

Previous minutes were checked and approved with no matters arising.

Treasurer Mike Luff reported £2519.63 as balance. He had received the starter pack from the Bank but card to follow – we are nearly there! Costs to run a reader account need to be checked and Mike will do this and make an executive decision in due course. We need to check the number of paid-up members to know our actual present Club numbers.

Secretary Irvin reported no changes.

There had been a breakdown In communication over the Battered Pint competition. Whether we need to reimburse the Masons as we did not enter a team needs to be looked into, the cancellation was received by the Masons. Jon Jarrett will deal with this when the Masons reconvene in September.

Catering Officer Mike Luff reported on his method to overcome forgetfulness of members when remembering what they had ordered!! He is developing a process for this. He is also progressing with an email circular to members with menu in advance of the lunch which allows for a reply – thus aiding with planning for the day.

Fellowship Officer Robbie had apologised for missing the meeting.

Function Officer Roger confirmed the booking for Lordleaze Hotel for the Christmas Lunch  on Wednesday 11th December. The Hotel have assured us of a high standard on the day. Costs will remain the same at £35. But Roger will circulate beer mugs for gratuities on the day.

Social Sec Irvin reported verbally on the very successful Cream tea at Mark and Sally Harris’s in Haselbury. This also raised £221 for President David’s charity.
Following the recent visit by Nigel Bell of ARK in Merriott, Irvin circulated a document for all members to visit the ARK on 9th October which will also include a cream tea and raffle! Suggested £5 a head would go to the ARK finances but proceeds from the raffle would go into our charity account.  Names of members interested and any wives, friends etc. to Irvin please.

Transport Officer David is always available for contact.

Speaker coordinator Bob Griffiths announced booked speakers as follows:
Today the three girls heading for Kenya next year, August Phil Bayliss, September Mike Luff with film of our area from war time planning, October Irvin’s coast to coast bike ride, November Alan Morris.
There are a number of others on his list but not yet fixed for dates.

President’s comments. Firstly his thanks to all who help with the Club. His charity choice of local community still stands but he would like to prioritise ARK as recipient of charity money for this year. Executive agreed with this. The Henhayes Memory Club had been suggested and may expect to benefit in future years.

Under A.O.B. it was agreed to transfer money as donation to the three girls for today as normally a guest speaker would have a free lunch – £20 was transferred from Treasurer Mike.

The girls gave a very slick, well prepared presentation which was well received by the Members. As expected their preparation went very quickly but there were many questions from the floor. They also agreed to return next year to present their experiences in Kenya. £180 was collected for their fund raising

Next meeting Wednesday 30th October at 10.30 a.m..

Secretary Irvin Johns (31st July)