Executive Meeting Minutes – 25 October 2023

Crewkerne Probus Club Executive Meeting
25 October 2023 – 10.30 a.m. at the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club


Present: President Irvin Johns, David Bryant, Roger Fowler, Bob Griffiths, Mark Harris, Robbie Heyd-Smith, David Long, Michael Luff, Tin Udall (OBE).

Apologies: Chris Kitson, Norman Fleetwood, Mark Harris, Bill Westcott-Pitt .

The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the President.

Matters Arising: The President reported that he had made arrangements for The Men’s Shed in Crewkerne to make and add two wings to be President’s Board for a donation of £50. David Long will deliver and collect when completed.

Officer’s Reports:

Treasurer – David Bryant stated that the Current Bank Balance as at the moment was £2,352.29. This included an amount of £347.50 collected and held for the RNLI donation in due course.

Secretary & Website – An application for membership was put forward by President Irvin and Roger Fowler for Alan Morris who is known to the club and lives in Martock. The Executive Committee approved the nomination. Alan would be welcomed at today’s lunch meeting and presented with a badge etc. Irvin reported that he had dealt with the insurance for the club at a renewal cost of £75.57 and mentioned that he had to deal with over 140 pages of terms and conditions! Robbie reported that he was covered for PAT cover for his electrical equipment.

Catering Officer – With Norman Fleetwood not present and in recovery mode from his recent Heart Attack we are indebted to Michael Luff who stepped in to undertake this task today. Michael informed the meeting that he would be interested to help Norman, if required, on any future occasion. The meeting confirmed that we would advise the Golf Club that we wish to continue with this venue for the next year.

Fellowship Officer – Robbie informed the meeting that he had sent flowers to Bob and Ros Griffiths to mark their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Bob gave his thanks and appreciation for this kind surprise.

Functions Officer – Roger informed the meeting that bookings were coming in for the Christmas Lunch on the 13 December 2023. We will hold a raffle, proceeds to the RNLI. Seek raffle prizes. Background music.

Social Secretary – President Irvin advised that some 24 persons were booked for the Lyme Regis RNLI visit on the 15 November. Our contact being Patrina Muscroft. Cream Tea still on the agenda for H.M. in 2024.

Transport Officer – David L said he is available as and when required.

Speaker Co-Ordinator – Tim reported on future speakers – January, David Bryant – February, Mark Harris -March, Phil Bayless

President’s Comments – President Irvin stated that all seems well in the club, especially as our membership is increasing and that new members are becoming involved with our activities.

Any Other Business:

  1. Roger thanked members and their wives who assisted with the marshalling for the covid and flu vaccinations at Henhayes on Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1 October 2023.
  2. Update New membership Posters to include our venue at Cricket St Thomas Golf Club.
  3. Check on Remembrance Day Wreath.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.50 am.

Date and time of next meeting: – Wednesday 31 January 2024 at 10.30 a.m.