Apologies were received from Bob Griffiths, Mike Harwood, Gerry Nicholas, Alan Sherliker and Eize van der Meulen.

The Minutes of the previous A.G.M. were accepted. Prop. Robbie Heyd-Smith, Sec. David Bryant.

There were no matters arising.

President’s Report – I am pleased to report on a very successful year. Early in the year we lost our venue at the Windwhistle Inn but this proved to be a blessing in disguise as by transferring to the Cricket St. Thomas golf club venue we have gone from strength to strength. The venue is bright, comfortable and with presentation facilities built in.  We are welcomed and looked after very well and the food has been very good. Indeed Roger, our functions officer, has booked the venue for the May Ladies lunch. Also, many Club members have taken up the social membership of Cricket St Thomas and receive discounts on purchases – what a good business scheme!! On taking over the Presidency from Bob Griffiths, I proposed a focused fund-raising effort for the British Heart Foundation which was approved by the Executive and supported by the whole Club. So, on Wednesday July 6th a garden party was held in my garden. The support was terrific with teams helping to set up and take down. Wives and friends provided food and helped with serving. Friends, members and wives stocked the stalls and helped to sell the stock. We had a raffle; entry money was collected and even live music available for entertainment. What a busy and successful event which culminated in cheques for £1750 being sent to the Charity. My thanks to everyone who was involved in helping and to all those who supported the event. During the year we sadly lost a wonderful member in Jim Marks and he will be missed. Roger, Mary, Eize and myself attended the funeral to represent the Club. I am delighted to say that our membership grows. We welcome some new members from the Crewkerne Rotary Club and some recent retirees which now moves our membership from 26 up to 31.  There are not many organisations that can announce increases in membership. We have maintained a full speaker programme over the year with a combination of visitors and members making presentations. It is always good to hear about members’ careers, history and travels. My thanks must go to our Executive committee and especially the Officers who contribute so much to the Club whilst also keeping me in line! I look forward to our Club’s progress over the next year. Irvin Johns, President.

Treasurer’s Report. David Bryant presented the accounts with copies for all to see. He explained that the Closing Balance of £1,597.59 was down from the previous year of £2,120.23, The reduction mainly due to our increase in charity donations during this year. With the absence of Honorary Examiner Bob Griffiths our accounts this year were kindly examined by Pat Johns. The Accounts were accepted, Prop. Roger Fowler, Sec. Robbie Heyd-Smith. Social Secretary. Following the covid pandemic our social calendar is just beginning to operate once again. Last year in April we hosted the Battered Pint competition at The Henhayes Centre and with the support of many members wives and widows we held a very successful fun event which was won eventually by Crewkerne Rotary District Club. Just last month the Rotary District Club hosted the event again at the White Hart Pub in the town and a Probus team of 6 members enjoyed a fun evening carefully losing!!! Crewkerne Masons did well and will host the next year event. In the summer a garden party was held at president Irvin’s garden with 60 plus guests on the day. Money raised towards the British Heart Foundation was £1750. The action of so many members and wives helping out spoke volumes as to the great spirit that exists in the Club. Recently a cream tea was organised at the Haselbury Mill attended by 29 members and wives and made a very successful fun afternoon. Plus £92 raised in a raffle towards our charity for next year. Looking forwards, I hope we will have good support for the proposed steam train trip from Buckfastleigh, with a variety of additional visits included, planned for Wednesday 10th May.

Catering Officer. Norman Fleetwood reported that after moving our venue to the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club in October 2022 we had received good food and service but their initial ordering system was confusing. After co-operation with the staff, the food ordering system had been changed back to Norman’s format. It was again emphasised that members need to contact NORMAN if they cannot attend, he will pass on any apology, and please by the Tuesday if possible. Also, if there are any concerns over food and service, in the first instance, go through Norman – he is the man to take up issues with the Staff.

Fellowship Officer. Robbie Heyd-Smith was thanked for his efforts on our behalf to members unwell and widows including the sending out of “Get Well” and “Bereavement” cards as appropriate.

Functions Officer. Roger Fowler reported that the Ladies Lunch was held at the Lordleaze Hotel on the 25 May 2022, a first time at Lordleaze for this event that was attended by 41 persons. The Christmas Lunch was held as usual at the Lordleaze Hotel, Chard on the 14 December 2022 had, as usual, been well received by members who enjoyed the Lordleaze Christmas atmosphere. There were 48 bookings but, on this occasion, there was no raffle and Roger was able to relax and enjoy his Christmas lunch without getting indigestion by rushing around!

Transport Officer. David Long once again stated that this was working well and he is always available for contact if any member has travelling difficulties.

Election of New President. Irvin Johns had been elected at a previous meeting and his appointment was unanimously accepted. Irvin retained the Chain of Office of the Crewkerne Probus Club.

Election of Officers and Committee. The following Officers and Committee were elected by the members to serve for the 2023/24 term:

Vice President David Long
Secretary Roger Fowler
Treasurer David Bryant
Catering Officer Norman Fleetwood
Social Secretary Irvin Johns
Functions Officer Roger Fowler
Fellowship Officer Robbie Heyd-Smith
Transport Officer David Long
Executive Committee Bob Griffiths
Executive Committee Mark Harris
Executive Committee Chris Kitson
Executive Committee Michael Luff
Executive Committee Tim Udall (OBE)
Executive Committee Bill Westcott-Pitt
Speaker Finder Tim Udall (OBE)
Honorary Examiner Bob Griffiths (kindly examined by Pat Johns for this period)

Please note that any member may come forward and volunteer to act on the Executive Committee.

Any Other Business.

  1. It was agreed that Royal National Lifeboat Institution would be the President’s nominated Charity for the coming year with co-operation from Bill Westcott-Pitt a RNLI member for many years.
  2. Notice Board – Ongoing negotiations with the Cricket St Thomas Golf Club.
  3. Lunch Order – Brian Daniels proposed a change of meal time – back to 1pm before the speaker, members voted 19 against, 5 for. It was agreed to continue with the current arrangement for the time being.
  4. Increase of annual Membership Fee to £18 passed by members – Prop. Robbie Heyd-Smith, Sec. Norman Fleetwood.
  5. Dress Code – Members agreed to insert the words “Dress code, smart jacket and tie” in rule 3 (Luncheon Meetings) of the Crewkerne Probus Club Rules with immediate effect.
  6. Website – Roger made a request to members to use the Crewkerne Probus Club website on a regular basis so they could keep up with Notices, Members details and Lunch Meetings and speakers etc. There is a lot of information on the site including photographs and records of past events.

  There was no other business and the meeting closed at 2.36 pm  

The next A.G.M. will be the last Wednesday of April 2024

Roger Fowler (Secretary) April 2023