Website Registration Instructions

Why register?

Additional club content is available only to registered users.
Register now and stay up-to-date with the latest club news – updates posted regularly.

Who is it for?

Registration is available only to Crewkerne Probus Club members.

How much does it cost?

Registration is free and available only to Crewkerne Probus Club members.

Guidance Notes

  • Your USERNAME will be the public name that is displayed to other logged in members should you post any content in the website. You may use your full name – for example ‘John Smith’ – or perhaps a nickname by which you prefer to be known.
  • Your FIRST NAME and LAST NAME, together with your EMAIL ADDRESS, will be used to confirm your identity and eligibility to register for access to the club members content. By submitting these details you agree to them being stored – for administrative purposes only – in your user account record.

Registration Approval

New registrations are held for moderation.
Notification is sent by email when a registration is approved.

Help and Support

Please contact Website Support for registration assistance.

New User Registration
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